Deluxe Arrangement

$150.00 USD

Gather 'round, flower fans, because this arrangement is not for the faint of heart! We've handpicked the most enchanting blossoms and curated them into a masterpiece that even Mother Nature would be jealous of. Trust us, you won't find this level of floral finesse at your corner store.

Our Deluxe Floral Arrangement is a divine blend of elegance, drama, and jaw-dropping beauty.

Whether it's for a glamorous event, a milestone celebration, or just because you deserve to be surrounded by beauty, this arrangement will take center stage and steal the show.

*PLEASE NOTE : We source the freshest and most beautiful blooms based on seasonality and availability. So, sit back, relax, and let our talented designers create something unique and dazzling based on your selected size and color palette. Actual blooms and vases used will differ from those represented in our photographs, but the style and feel will be similar.


Have a request? Please let us know in the special instructions box and we'll do our best to accommodate you as permitted.

Want to make your flowers last longer?

To keep your florals looking beautiful, please place them out of direct sunlight, keep them away from drafts and be sure to change the water every couple of days. Some types of flowers will last longer than others. As blooms fade, simply remove them from your arrangement.

Frequently Asked Questions